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Grading Rubric

Our trainings are designed to be intensive. Besides a few quizzes to show an understanding of the basic information, our courses are graded during jury classes.


Jury classes are where students present their work to their fellow students, “client,” and a jury of experts. This model is designed to test the student's ability to properly articulate their ideas and solution to their case study client’s problem as well as create all necessary visuals to express their thought process. 


Performance Criteria

  • Completion of assigned tasks on time and to the standards requested

  • The student demonstrates a working understanding of the project/ clients objectives 

  • The proposed solution is a realistic solution concerning projected time, budgets, execution, requested level of quality, client needs, etc. 

  • The student shows an explicit knowledge and understanding of the material, the scope of the project, and the project/client’s needs has a clear proposed solution, understands the projected expectation and potential issues that may arise, the timeframe of execution, and what the ROI expectation is. 

  • The student can present their ideas both visually and verbally to their peer and expert juries as well as answer questions that arise during their presentation.

Scale + Indication

Rating Scale

  • Each criteria section of jury-based performance criteria is worth 1/5th of their overall grade for the 6 projects they will complete during their training. 

  • All quizzes are graded on a Pass/Fail model with at least 50% of the questions needing to be answered correctly to Pass


  • Understanding and quality of execution will be based on the average of the jury’s ratings.

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